Partnerships & Campaigns
y Travel Blog have partnered with many of the top travel brands and destinations around the world. Below are just some examples of the content we have created from these campaigns:
Featured In
We have been featured on some of the biggest media sites in the world.
- The Today Show – A family who is traveling full-time for more than 5 years share their best family travel tips
- Travel & Leisure – How to travel the world full-time with kids, from parents who do it
- – This Australian family blogged their way from broke to six figures while traveling
- – A three year American Road trip with two kids in two
- – 5 best spring break beaches in America
- Huffington Post: 10 principles to make your travels memorable
- Conde Nast Traveler: Why you shouldn’t ignore Western Australia
- – Best winter vacations in the US
- Mind Body Green – This couple roadschools their children while traveling the world
- – 9 Incredible honeymoon destinations on the cheap
- – 7 secret budget destinations to visit ASAP
- Bean Ninjas – How Caz and Craig travel the world and earn six figures at the same time
Examples of articles we have published on leading media sites and travel brands
- Skyscanner: 8 family travel tips for surviving a holiday
- see articles
- Matador Network: When travel takes a friend
Looking for more from y Travel Blog? Here are some of the travel publications where we have been published, featured, or interviewed.
- I write about family travel on Kidspot and how learning matters.
- When Travel Takes a Friend- Brave New Traveler
- What you Spend on Your Vacation isn’t What Matters – Sharing Travel Experiences online magazine
- How to Get Married in South Africa – Where I’ve Been travel blog
- 5 Reasons to travel to Uganda – Travel with a Mate travel blog
- Why We travel lifers– Brendan’s Adventures
- St Lucia Wetlands in Zululand- the hidden gem of South Africa – Travel Dudes website, tips for travelers by travellers
- Ashanti Lodge, Cape Town South Africa Travel Dudes
- 10 Alternative Adventures to do in Australia Traveling Canucks
- The Tazara: A rail adventure through Africa Trains on the Brains
- Christmas in New York Jazz Hostels
- Glamour Grannies don’t snatch back time- they re-invent themselves Glamour Granny Travels
- Vodka Haze, Nha Trang The Traveller World Guide
- When Oprah comes to visit Western Australia Why Go Australia
- How to live an Extraordinary Life Ordinary Travelers
- Highlights of a Kenya to Cape Town Backpacking Trail Part 1 and Part 2 Globotreks
- A reflection on Teaching English World Nomads
- It’s not better or worse, It’s just different World Nomads
- Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa Gap Year Escape
- Is travelling with children Selfish Bacon is Magic
- Road Trip Through the Creator’s Art Studio in Utah Go Backpacking
- My favourite Travel Memory Rafting the Nile River Traveling Around the World for Couples
- Holy S”’t I think I am going to die Fearful adventurer
- Tips for Travelling as a Couple Hostel World
- 54 life lessons 14 years of World Travel taught me Marc and Angel Hack Life
- Living with Children in a Foreign Country What’s Up El Salvador
- How to go from Ordinary to Extrordinary Lifehack
- Tips for travelling as a couple Hostel World
- The mother’s guide to taking a break: The Organised Housewife
- The pros and cons to travel with kids Hotel Club
- The reality of family travel and why you should do it on Super Kawaii Mama
- Stories and connections are what inspire us to travel The Planet D
- Travel to create a business and lifestyle you love Under 30 CEO
- Epic Growth Strategies for Blogs Positivity Pledge
Blogging & Social Media Training
- Build your Brand: Be Yourself and Be Everywhere and The Power of Building Relationships Travel Blog Challenge
- Why the Travel Industry Needs Travel Bloggers and What Travel Bloggers Must do For the Travel Industry Blogging Standards
- Make your Facebook fan Page a Party Problogger
- Travel blogger Case Study Flashpacker HQ
- Ditch the Job Mentaility and Develop and Entrepreneurial Mindset Problogger
- The Art of Self Promotion: The Friday Traffic Report
- The most powerful blog success tips Styling You
- A writer’s biggest barrier to success, Jeff Goins
- Get more comments Problogger
- Growing your Pinterest community and How to get more repins on Digital Parents Collective
Regularly Featured By
- National Geographic Online e.g. our article on How to travel Australia on a budget
- CNN Travel: How to be a travel blogger
- Lonely Planet: Top family travel posts
Blog Rankings & Awards
- Onterpreuner Award for Excellence in Publishing – Ontraport
- No 1 Top Family Travel Blog – Feedspot (featured here)
- Top 50 Travel Blogs – The Expeditioner (featured here)
- Top travel blogs for 2020 – Everything Everywhere (featured here)
Television & Video Appearances
y Travel Blog has featured in various television and video appearances. Watch the examples below.
Fox Business USA – Mornings with Maria
Live interview on Fox Business TV sharing our USA family road trip + tips for travelers. Watch the interview here or click on the image below.

Cheddar TV interview in NYC
Live interview on Cheddar TV from the New York Stock Exchange talking about How to travel on a budget. Watch the interview here or click on the image below.

Bold TV New York
Caroline joined BoldTV in NYC to discuss our travel lifestyle and the New York Times Travel Show.
Little Things Refresh
We joined Cassie on her morning Refresh show to chat about our travel lifestyle with kids. We come on at the 26 minute mark.
The Today Show (Australia)
A story about our 18-month Australian road trip was featured on The Today Show, one of Australia’s biggest morning TV programs.

A Current Affair (Australia)
Featured as family travel experts n a report on Cheap Fares from Australia. Watch it here or click on the image below.

Garnier Ambassador
A day in the life of Caz as an ambassador for Garnier Australia. Click on video below.
If you want access to our bios and media images please click here.
Featured Experts
Here is our video we did to help Expedia promote their Short Breaks Campaign:
Lonely Planet

Featured as family travel experts on a Lonely Planet Google+ hangout:
- Instagram takeover on Lonely Planet
- Featured writer for their Family Travel ebook
y Travel Blog are regularly interviewed about their travel experiences and online business across the web on radio, podcasts and written interviews. Here are just a select few examples: