If you’re looking for a place to fuel your desire for travel and learn how to do it too, you’re in the right place.
With us, you get so much more than a pretty picture. You get a lifestyle, a passion. commitment and unrivaled expertise.
We’re here to tell you your life does not have to fit in a box. You don’t have to live behind the picket fence, slave away at that full-time job that sucks you dry, and the monotonous peak hour traffic runs.
You CAN have the picket fence and a job you love if that’s your mojo, but, we’re pretty sure you at least want to escape your everyday life for weekend getaways or a three-week vacation every year.
Why not? It brings you joy, adventure, and long-lasting memories.
We’re here to show you that you can travel anywhere in the world on little dime, you can rock up in a country where you know no one and have life-changing experiences, you can travel with the one you love and have a thriving relationship, and you can create a strong lifelong bond with your children through the shared memories of travel.
To be clear, we’ve created a lifestyle of travel for over twenty years without a trust fund, without special privileges, or well-connected friends. We’ve made it happen with an intense desire and by putting one foot in front of the other.
We understand your dreams, hopes, fears and challenges.
We’ll help you find ways to unplug from the chaos, to reconnect to joy and what’s really important for you, and how to travel more and create better memories.
Each of us have different travel styles and challenges when it comes to travel. We want to help you in the right way so please tell us in the form below HOW we can best help you, and we’ll send you free tips related to that.
PLUS I send a weekly personal email message to inspire you to smash away those fears and start striding forth to a life of more travel and better memories.
What our subscribers say:
I love reading your emails and I’ve been following your blog since 2014 when I was working in marketing for a travel company. Even after I switched jobs and industries, I kept my subscription because almost every email you send really connects with me even though I don’t travel much.
I remember reading one of your emails 5 minutes before an interview, and right before a big presentation and right in the middle of a breakup, and each one gave me courage, affirmation or a new perspective to life.
I’ve taken my first solo visit to Scotland and London about 3 weeks ago. I spent 2 weeks there…what an uplifting and wonderful experience. While there I thought of you and your family, which gave me the “permission” to look into myself and receive clarity; something I needed desperately since losing my husband unexpectedly 9 months ago.
I am having the time of my life living my own dream. I am very grateful for the work you do and its people like you guys who enable people like me to stop putting things off and get on the road and make it happen. You give us the confidence and real life examples of what and how to do things.